When determining the size of the applicant’s household in order to validate eligibility, the following types of individuals count towards the total number in the household:
Child Living with Parent, Relatives, or Friends
In cases where no specific welfare agency or court is legally responsible for the child or where the child is living with one parent, other relatives, or friends of the family, the child is considered to be a member of the household with whom she/he resides. Children of divorced or separated parents are generally part of the household that has custody.
When joint custody has been awarded and the child physically changes residence, the child is considered part of the household where she/he resides. In these situations, if both parents apply for the benefits at the same local education agency for the child, and different eligibility statuses result, the greatest benefit level is used. For example, if the mother’s situation results in eligibility for free meals but the father’s application is denied, the child would receive free meals regardless of which parent has custody at the time.
If a student applicant resides in two homes due to joint/split custody agreements, OISF refers to guidance from the USDA Manual for School Meals (Page 39). The federal free/reduced meal program is administered by each individual state under the direction of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Additional information regarding the program, income eligibility and options for validating income eligibility is available within the USDA Manual for School Meals.