Scholarship Administration

In partnership with Oklahoma Islamic School Foundation, partner schools will administer key facets of the SGO Scholarship process.

First, partner schools will provide all of their eligible-student households with OISF Oklahoma Private School Opportunity Scholarship (OPSOS) Application. They will ensure that all eligible families apply in a timely manner.

The school will then send these applications and other required documents to OISF.

When the application deadline has passed, OISF will email the school an Application Roster (Excel file) for them to certify enrollment and, based upon their financial aid policies, indicate the award amount for each student.

The partner school will then send documentation that validates eligibility for each applicant household and the completed Application Roster to OISF.

Upon receipt of the Application Roster and required documentation to verify income, OISF will determine the final status of each application.

The program will calculate the total of all approved award amounts, generate a Disbursement Roster, and prepare disbursement checks to be mailed to the school. The school will credit each recipient’s tuition account per the amounts indicated on the check.